Healthy Lifestyles
These programs develop young people’s capacity to engage in positive behaviors that nurture their well-being, set personal goals, and grow into self-sufficient adults.
Club members develop a knowledge base to acquire healthy habits, such as making smart food choices, understanding appropriate portion sizes, and creating fun and balanced meals.
Healthy Habits
Addresses the ways an individual’s health behaviors are influenced by personal beliefs and exposure to positive modeling. In addition to nutrition education, activities focus on helping youth assess, practice, identify, consider, and recognize health behaviors and messages.
The SMART Moves (Skills Mastery and Resilience Training) prevention and education program addresses problems such as drug and alcohol use and premature sexual activity.
SMART Moves uses a team approach that involves Club staff, peer leaders, parents, and community representatives. Young people ages 6 to 15 engage in discussion and role-playing, practicing resilience and refusal skills, developing assertiveness, strengthening decision-making skills, and analyzing media and peer influence. The ultimate goal is to promote abstinence from substance abuse and adolescent sexual involvement through the practice of responsible behavior.
These programs encourage young people to be physically active through fun daily fitness, including games and activities to get them moving. Daily fitness challenges give youth of every age a chance to play longer and harder at a variety of games.
Daily Challenges - Intentional focus on physical literacy:
Ability - Increasing capability in basic movement skills and overall fitness;
Confidence -the knowledge of the ability to play sports or enjoy other physical activities and
Motivation- the intrinsic enthusiasm for physical activity for members to be physically active for life.
Provides social recreation programs and activities that strengthen interpersonal skills, foster good character, and develop positive relationships and cooperation among young people.
Social Recreation
Emphasis on social and emotional development, or the social, cognitive, and behavioral skills that youth need to be healthy and productive. There is an explicit focus on emotional regulation, healthy relationships (with self and others), and responsible decision-making.